Get a New Tooth Root through a Dental Implant

There are number of causes for a tooth loss among adults. One common reason is the periodontal or gum disease. If you experience gum bleeding, or if the tooth is pulling away from your gums, or if you have a bad breath for long, you may have periodontal disease.

Since your gums provide the necessary foundation for your teeth, once it becomes affected with a disease, your affected tooth will start to become loose. For this matter, an oral surgery
will be needed to remove the tooth. Pembroke Pines Dental Associates is an expert in this type of restorative dentistry. We are available in areas in and near Pembroke Pines, Florida. Dr. Hakan Kinaci will take care of you.

What are Dental Implants for?

Dental implant is one way to restore your lost tooth. Since the tooth is extracted, a new tooth root is needed in order to place the crown or an artificial tooth to replace the missing one. Dental implants are the best option to have a natural-looking and permanent tooth replacement. Restoring the look and function of the mouth is its primary purpose.

Dental implants are made up of titanium. It is biocompatible with the oral cavity. This means that it is safe for our tissues. The natural bone will naturally fuse to it thus, locking the implant into place. It is much reliable than a denture which may come loose and may fall off anytime. Implants are made for a strong foundation for fixed or removable replacement teeth which match the other natural teeth.

Our personalized and gentle care earns the trust and confidence of our patients. Our stress free dental treatments will ensure your perfect smile as well as your peace of mind.

If you are one of the many who is afraid at the sight of the dentist, there is no need to worry with Pembroke Pines Dental Associates. We have sedation dentistry to make you more
comfortable while under the treatment. You can choose from an oral sedation, IV sedation, and nitrous oxide. Whatever option you choose, rest assured that your fear of dentist will be no match for the comfort we can offer.

Another factor which makes it difficult to get a dental appointment is the budget. We have Dental Payment Plans which can divide the whole cost into manageable payments and help you enjoy your new smile.

Call Dr. Hakan Kinaci of Pembroke Pines Dental Associates at 954-628-5457.