Everything You Need To Know About Root Canal Therapy

No one in the entire population of human race has never experience toothache of some sort. Further, among the US population, tooth decay is the second most prevalent disease next to common cold.

For years, even before the Enlightenment period, there was a belief about the cause of tooth decay among the people. According to the belief, a gnawing worm called tooth-worm caused toothache which was provoked by dental caries. These small worms lived in the tooth and slowly eating it away thus tooth decay can be observed. The belief is common across different cultures and even until now, there are still cultures who believe in tooth-worm.

This legend was then dispelled by Pierre Fauchard, considered to be the Father of Modern Dentistry, when he wrote his book “Le Chirurgien Dentiste” or “The Surgeon Dentist”. It was then the time when Endodontic made great advances. Endodontic treatment became popular.

What is Endodontic Treatment?

Endodontic comes from the Greek word “endo” which means inside and “odont” meaning tooth. Therapy or root canal therapy is a dental treatment in which the damaged pulp is removed to avoid infection and future microbial invasion.

When Do You Need A Root Canal Treatment?

Inside the tooth, there is a soft tissue protected by enamel and dentin called the pulp. This pulp contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissues. If this pulp become inflamed or infected, a condition called pulpitis, a person experience toothache. One way to save the tooth is through root canal treatment. Root canal problems may also be present due to tooth decay, repeated dental procedures on tooth, traumatic damage such as crack or root fracture, and even gum disease.

How Is It Done?

  • Local anesthesia will be the first to be administered in order to numb the tooth and surrounding tissues.
  • A small access hole is drilled on the affected tooth to allow access to the pulp chamber to start the treatment.
  • The decayed or diseased pulp tissue, which is the main cause of the problem, will be removed. Once it removed, the tooth will no longer be painful.
  • The canal and pulp chamber will be cleaned and disinfected with antiseptic and antibacterial solutions.

Root canal fillings will be used to fill in the canal space created from the treatment. Usually gutta-percha, a rubber-like material, and a sealer, and adhesive cement, will be used in order to seal the root canal. This is to prevent reinfection to happen.


All of these are already mastered by Dr. Hakan Kinaci with his over 25 years of experience in dentistry. If you experience an unrelenting tooth pain which requires root canal therapy, call Pembroke Pines Dental Associates in Pembroke Pines at 954-628-5457.