Types of Gum Disease You Should Know ABout

Our gums are as important as our teeth. Proper dental care is also needed for a healthy gum. Unhealthy gums are even more dangerous to our overall health. Other serious conditions which may be caused…


Things You Should Know About Dentures

Etruscans are among the first known dentists. At around 700 BC, Etruscans in northern Italy use human or animal teeth to make dentures. The dentures they made are known to be the first ever dentures…


How Stress Affects Your Oral Health

Everyday we face countless problems and difficulties while we struggle to live a meaningful life. If these problems or the stressors became too much for us to handle, then we experienced stress. Stress is actually…


Dental Emergencies Need Immediate Treatment

Emergency dental care refers to a condition affecting the teeth where bleeding and laceration to the gums and dislodge or fracture teeth caused by trauma occurred. This condition often requires immediate medical attention. Any dental…


Everything You Need To Know About Root Canal Therapy

No one in the entire population of human race has never experience toothache of some sort. Further, among the US population, tooth decay is the second most prevalent disease next to common cold. For years,…


The First Braces and the Recent Invisalign Clear Braces

One of the remedies that dentistry can offer for our imperfect teeth is teeth straightening or orthodontics. Ever since braces were discovered, crooked teeth can now be corrected. However, when and how exactly braces were…


Bring Back the Smile with Dental Implants

There are many reasons why we lose our teeth. One of them is seldom brushing that can cause bacteria to build up on teeth which may weaken them and causes them to loosen or fall.…


Get a New Tooth Root through a Dental Implant

There are number of causes for a tooth loss among adults. One common reason is the periodontal or gum disease. If you experience gum bleeding, or if the tooth is pulling away from your gums,…


Keeping Your Teeth Firm by Avoiding Gum Disease

One major reason of tooth loss is because of periodontal or gum disease. Since the gums provide the necessary foundation to hold the teeth in place, keeping it healthy and disease-free will help avoid tooth…
